When I became AD/CEO of Contact I was charged with pushing the theatre forward digitally. After exploring a number of ideas I hooked up with old friend Billy Clark who had been exploring Telepresence as a tool for multi-location workshops, and performance as the director of Culturehub in New York. Culturehub was born out of the need for La MaMa and other New York artists to collaborate with the Seoul institute for the arts. Fore more info click Culturehub and Contact
After a number of experiments I found that telepresence created dynamic possibilities for artists and audience to experience international collaborations. We explored dance, spoken word, Hip Hop, and Theatre with projects such as Mixed Movement Digital Duets and Verbally Challenged Digital Dialogues
Most importantly the technology facilitated artists who might not have physically met the opportunity to learn and create. We also found that audiences were energised by the immediacy of global interaction.
Now that I am back in New York I am continuing to explore telepresence and currently developing workshop models with Culturehub, Contact, Bam, and Arts in Action in Trinidad.